Student Pastoral Support External Links
Support and Advice For Young People
- Support for issues young people might be facing - Eastleigh Borough Council
- Thornden's response to the "Everyone's Invited" website
Further information
Mental Health - providing support and wellbeing for anyone experiencing mental health issues.
- Eastleigh Wellbeing Centre
- Solent Mind - talking therapy service
- Papyrus - support for young people struggling with thoughts of suicide.
- Childline - help and advice from trained counsellors
- Young Mind - includes a dedicated helpline for those in crisis
- Mind - Havant and East Hants
- Samaritans - a 24/7 telephone/email support service
- Charlie Waller Trust
- Kooth - online mental health and wellbeing support for young people in Hampshire
Eating Disorders
- Beat (UK leading eating disorder charity)
- Get It On - guide to sexual health services in Hampshire
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
- Catch 22 - specialist treatment service
- Frank - support and advice
- Rehab 4 Addiction - a website that offers guidance and support
Money, Life Skills, Homelessness and Employment
- Citizens Advice
- Prince's Trust - supports young people to gain life skills, training and employment
- National Citizen Service