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Exam information

Year 11 students will receive a statement of entry at the beginning of the Spring Term outlining which GCSE exams they are sitting in the summer and, where appropriate, their entry level.


Students receive a personalised GCSE exam timetable at least one week before the exams start. Where candidates have a clash between exams, an exam may be moved earlier or later with supervision in between.  Their personalised exam timetable will show the new times.


GCSE exams start at 9.00am and 1.30pm, and candidates are expected to be at the exam venue at least 10 minutes before the scheduled start time. Specific exam information for candidates will be explained in assemblies and reinforced during tutor periods. Documents published by the examination boards containing information for candidates are available below. 

No electronic devices are allowed in the exam room.  This includes mobile phones and any kind of wrist watches. Candidates should ensure they have all the equipment they need for an exam in a clear pencil case.  They may only use a black pen; blue pens are not allowed under the regulations.  Gel pens are not allowed as they may not be picked up by the awarding body's scanning machines.  Any water bottles must also be completely clear with no writing or labels. 


Should a candidate be absent for medical reasons on the day of an exam, please report their absence in the usual way by completing the online absence form by 8.35am. Medical absences must be covered by a medical note to the Exams Officer within 3 days of the exam and by completing the Special Consideration Form sent by email at the start of the exams in order for the school to apply for consideration from the awarding body.  Failure to do this may result in a mark of 0 for this exam.


Results can be collected in person from the Sports Hall on results day between 10am and 12 noon.  They will also be sent electronically to the student's school email address by 12 noon.  If you are planning on being abroad and accessing your school email account from abroad, please notify the Exams Officer in advance so that your account can be accessed from abroad.

The regulations for conducting exams are set by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ):

Post-Results Services

Following each exam series, the awarding bodies offer a range of post-results services. If you would like to look into these options, please contact Mr Collar in the first instance.  The implication of a review of marking is that the result could go up or down.  Consequently, parents and students must be aware of this prior to starting the process. If a new grade is awarded, this is what will appear on the certificate, and it will supersede any previous grade. To progress your query following a discussion with Mr Collar, the candidate will need to complete one of the consent forms available from School or below. There is a fee for these services.

All results of Post-Results Services will be sent by email to the candidate's school email address.