Absence Reporting
Thornden School has a duty to provide appropriate education for all students who attend. Parents/carers have a legal obligation to ensure that children receive an education by regular attendance at school.
Parents/carers must ensure that a reason for absence is reported to school every day.
- Complete the online absence form and submit.
- Complete the online absence form and submit on each subsequent day of absence.
- For students who are late in, please complete the online absence form and ensure the student signs in at reception.
- As a Safeguarding procedure we will text parents/carers requesting a phone call if a student does not register in the morning
- A medical note is required from a registered Medical Practitioner upon regular or lengthy absence from school due to illness or surgery.
Reporting Absences
As a school, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students.
- Please complete the online absence form and submit before 8:35am every day that the student is absent.
- For students who are going to be late, please also report this on the online absence form before 8:35am.
- For students who have not registered and for whom we have not been notified of an absence, you will receive the following text message: “Please can you let the attendance team know why <Firstname> is absent from school today by completing the online form or call 02380 246577.”
- Please respond to this text message straight away. If we have not received a response by lunchtime, we will contact you by telephone.
- For students leaving school early, please complete the online absence form and make sure that they sign out at reception when you pick them up.
- You may also use the online absence form in advance to advise the school of a planned absence, e.g. for a medical appointment.
- Please also remind students that they must go to the School Nurse if they feel unwell. Students should not contact parents/carers directly.
- If you wish to discuss any medical issues with the School Nurse in person, please phone 023 8024 6777.
Taking a leave of absence
Please complete this form.
Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 have been amended (as of 1 September 2013) to prohibit the proprietor (head teacher) of a maintained school granting leave of absence to a student except where an application has been made in advance and the proprietor considers that there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.
In making a request for an authorised absence from school you will need to explain why the circumstances are exceptional. Please note: There is no general right to authorise absence for a family holiday; if a student is taken out of school without permission the absence will be unauthorised and we will consider legal action.
Caroline Lowing
Interim Head of School