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Head of Drama - Mrs H Smith

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Lower School

Outline of Subject

Drama is a practical, artistic subject. The nature of the work and our teaching methodology make Drama highly accessible to the widest range of abilities. To enable students to experience variety in Performing Arts, Drama and Dance work on a rotation system with students in Years 7 to 9 following both subjects.

Learning Content

Topic Title


Students will work on a rotation system with Dance.   Topics they will experience with Drama are listed below:


Silent Movies


Ancient Egypt


Murder at Muldoon Manor

The Jabberwocky

Devising Using a Script



The Accident

Pandora's Box

Abstract Scripts


Skill Development

Students all learn basic skills of performance such as voice, movement and stagecraft and it is through these that they are able to communicate their ideas and explore their creativity effectively. Students are encouraged to think for themselves and therefore enjoy the feeling of genuine achievement and success.

Assessment Styles

Assessment takes place formally and informally. Guidance is given as the work progresses. A formal assessment piece is performed at the end of each unit. A level is given and a target is used to help direct future progress. Targets are ambitious for all students.

Additional Information

All the skills covered at KS3 also form an excellent foundation for those who choose to opt for Drama in KS4.  Our busy Drama department also offers auditions for several productions per year to be performed in our purpose built theatre, Thornden Hall.

Upper School

Drama (Acting)

Exam Board: AQA

Outline of Subject

​Drama (Acting) is a practical, artistic subject allowing students to explore and perform both devised and scripted work while honing their acting skills.  Students will study a set text and will be encouraged to accompany us to lots of exciting trips to the theatre.  The nature of the work and our teaching methodology make Drama highly accessible and enjoyable for the widest range of abilities.

Course Content

Year Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

Key Skills and Devising Skills

Sept - Dec


Script Work

Jan - March

Devising Project (C2)

March - June

Devising Exam & Devising Logs

June & July


Blood Brothers (C1)

Sep - Dec

Scripted Pieces (C3)

Dec - March

Understanding Drama (C1)

March – May

Final Preparations for Written Exam (C1


Skill Development

Students all learn and perfect their skills of performance such as voice, movement and stagecraft and it is through these that they are able to communicate their ideas and explore their creativity effectively. Students are encouraged to think for themselves and therefore enjoy the feeling of genuine achievement and success.  Students also practise their writing skills, writing a Devising Log which demonstrates their understanding of devised Drama.


Assessment is based on 60% practical work which is marked by a teacher and moderated externally for the Devising unit, and marked by an examiner for the scripted unit, ‘Texts in Practice’.  A Devising Log will also be marked by a teacher for the Devising unit.

The written exam accounts for 40% of the overall mark.

Additional Information

Actors will get the opportunity to work collaboratively with the Drama (Design & Technical) candidates, who will design and operate elements of their devising pieces in our studios and in Thornden Hall for a showcase of the scripted performances in Year 11.

Candidates will be actively encouraged to audition for our many productions which take place in Thornden Hall during the year.

Drama (Design & Technical)

Exam Board: AQA

Outline of Subject

Drama (Design & Technical) is a practical, artistic subject allowing students to explore design and technical theatrical skills from both devised and scripted productions.  Students will study a set text and will be encouraged to accompany us to lots of exciting trips to the theatre.  The nature of the work and our teaching methodology make Drama highly accessible and enjoyable for the widest range of abilities.

Course Content

Year Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

Introduction to Key Skills

Sept – Nov

Practical Project

Dec – Feb

Devising Project (C2)

March – June

Devising Exam & Devising Logs

June & July


Blood Brothers (C1)

Sep - Dec

Scripted Pieces (C3)

Dec - March

Understanding Drama (C1)

March – May

Final Preparations for Written Exam (C1


Skill Development

Students learn skills in Lighting, Sound, Set Design and Costume & Make-Up Design.  Students are encouraged to think for themselves and therefore enjoy the feeling of genuine achievement and success.  Students also practise their writing skills, writing a Devising Log which demonstrates their understanding of designing and operating technically devised Drama.


Assessment is based on 60% practical work which is marked by the teacher and moderated externally for the Devising unit, and marked by an examiner for the scripted unit, ‘Texts in Practice’.  A Devising Log will also be marked by a teacher for the Devising unit.  The written exam accounts for 40% of the overall mark. 

Additional Information

Designers & Technicians will get the opportunity to work collaboratively with the Acting candidates; they will design and operate elements of the actors’ devising pieces in our studios and in Thornden Hall for a showcase of the scripted performances in Year 11. 

Candidates will be actively encouraged to work as Stage Crew for our many productions which take place in Thornden Hall during the year.