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School Performance

Exam Results

The table below shows broad headlines in key areas. 

Results August 2021

Thornden School GCSE Results


Overall percentage of students attaining at least a grade 4 in English and Maths


Percentage of students attaining a grade 4 or above in English


Percentage of students attaining a grade 4 or above in maths


Percentage of students attaining a grade 7 or above in English


Percentage of students attaining a grade 7 or above in maths


Attainment 8 grade


Percentage of students entered for the English Baccalaureate


Percentage of students achieving the English Baccalaureate at 4+


The school performance tables can be accessed and show Thornden’s results being the best in Hampshire for progress, attainment and students who have achieved 5+ in English and maths.  The most pleasing single overview of results is the progress score of 0.66 which indicates that students on average gained nearly two thirds of a grade better than expected based on Key Stage 2 data, across all subjects taken.  This figure is based on all students within the year group regardless of ability, so offers an indication of how well the group of students in Year 11 achieved in 2019.  This figure places Thornden in the top 5% nationally for state schools in terms of progress. 

I would personally like to wish all students every success as they move forward into new courses and encourage them to take the opportunities these offer.  Beyond this, I would encourage them to keep in touch. 

S Whelan